I never thought I would ever use a song by a singer named Jellyroll in a devotion, but God works in mysterious ways. His song “Need a Favor” is unfortunately a true testament about how we live our lives sometimes. Only talking or praying to God when they need a favor. Only praying to God when it is a last chance when something bad happens. One verse in particular talks about the true dangers of not being in God’s will. (Yes I will edit some words out)
I know Amazing Grace, but I ain’t been livin them words.
I spend most Sundays drunk, then I do in church
Hard cover King James only been savin dust on the nightstand
And I don’t know what to say by the time I fold my hands.
We take for granted God’s wonderful grace. We can say we know God, but we are not allowing Him to lead our lives. We are not being Meek enough. We allow all kinds of sin to creep into our lives and separate us from God. We don’t allow God to direct our lives because we are not taking time to hear or read His word and then wonder why are lives are not going correctly.
Good news is that He can redirect our lives and that we are NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER too far away from God. Don’t wait for an “emergency” get to know Him now. Read the Bible, hear a message, attend a Bible study, and pray!
One last thing about the song. A question is asked during the song “Who am I to expect a Savior”. God dies for us all, John 3:16 tells us that.
Challenge this week: Track about how much time you spend reading your Bible and compare it to others things.